A message from the NWA Nominating Committee:
NWA needs YOU!
The Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for Vice-President/President-Elect, Secretary, and the State Representatives for Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. Please consider running for a position on the NWA Board!
- Are you interested in helping to set the direction of NWA? Gain leadership experience? Serve your professional organization?
- Do you know someone who would be a great addition to the NWA Board?
Now’s the time to nominate yourself or a colleague! Don’t be shy – the nomination form is anonymous and easy. Nominate through the online form at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8DJH6PD. Nominations are due on Friday, March 2.
Here are the descriptions and requirements for the open positions:
Requirement: All candidates must be NWA members in good standing and may not be current Nominating Committee members. State representatives must reside in the state they represent.
The Vice-President/President-Elect serves a two-year term; the first year as the Vice-President and then assumes the role of President upon the adjournment of the annual meeting the year following their election. The President is responsible for supervision over the NWA corporation, presiding at all meetings, and reporting on the activities of the corporation. The President also appoints committee chairs, the Membership Coordinator, and delegates not otherwise provided for in the by-laws. Candidates should be members who have served in leadership positions within NWA or a similar organization, with familiarity with the history and issues before NWA.
The Secretary serves a two-year term, serves as a part of the Executive Board, and attends all Board meetings. The Secretary records, takes, and maintains minutes of Executive Board and general membership meetings via conference call and in-person at the annual meeting. They provide an annual report at the business meeting at the annual conference. They also maintain records for the IRS and non-profit incorporation.
The State Representatives serve a two-year term, serve as a part of the Executive Board, and attends Board meetings. State Reps are responsible for reporting relevant news to their constituent state, serving as a liaison between the NWA Board and their state’s membership, and actively supports regional efforts pertaining to archives.
NWA Nominating Committee
Erin Passehl-Stoddart, Chair and Past NWA President (Idaho),
Emily Dominick (Washington)
Sara Piasecki (Alaska)