If you were a member last year or even the year before, you're probably in our system and don't have to register again.
Instead of starting a new member application, log into the system with your email address and password. If you don't have a password or forgot your password, click here to learn how to set or reset a password. If you can't find what email you used for your membership, please email: nwa.membership@gmail.com.
1.) Login using your email and password at top right-hand corner of the page.
Once you are logged in your name will display on the top right-hand corner of the page.
2.) Click "View profile." You should then see your profile page.
3.) Under the section called Membership Details, click the "Renew until [DATE]" button to renew your membership for the current year.
The website will take you through a number of steps, including updating your profile information. If no information needs to be updated, click the "Next" button in the lower right corner of the screen.
If you do not see a "Renew until [DATE]" button, your account has been inactive long enough that it has been automatically suspended. Email nwa.membership@gmail.com to restart your account renewal options.
4.) Then, you must choose between two payment options: Invoice Me or Pay Online.
PAY ONLINE: If you choose to pay online, please select the “Online” option under “Payment.” You will be redirected to the Northwest Archivists PayPal site. You can pay through your own PayPal account OR click on 'credit card payment' (small link on the left).
INVOICE ME: If you choose to pay with a check, select the “Invoice” option and mail your payment to the NWA treasurer at the address provided.
If you have any trouble, please don't hesitate to email the membership coordinator (nwa.membership@gmail.com)