A Joint Conference of the Northwest Archivists (NWA) and the Archives Association of British Columbia (AABC)
· Fundraising /Fundraising databases including demos, training and shows of various fundraising databases.· Marketing/Sponsorship· Advocacy· Partnership building· Strategic planning· Electronic records management for Archives· Volunteer management· Grant writing· Innovation· Community building· Outreach/Service· Access· Education· Mentoring
The 2013 Conference Program Committee invites contributions in a variety of traditional and non-traditional formats including:
1. Traditional session: formal presentation of papers; approximately 20 minutes per speaker, with questions to follow as time allows.
2. Panel discussion: abbreviated presentation of papers; approximately 10-15 minutes per speaker, with discussion to follow.
3. Roundtable: brief 5-7 minute presentations with open discussion
4. Focused Debate on a specific topic: brief presentations with open discussion & debate to follow. Can adhere to formal debating rules or not.
5. Pecha Kucha Session: 8-12 presenters have 20 slides, each shown for 20
seconds on a timer. Thus, each presenter has just 6 minutes and 40 seconds
to explain their ideas.
Kindly sent your proposals by January 11th, 2013 to:
Patrick Ansah
E-mail: ansahpatdon@gmail.com
Trevor James Bond
E-mail: tjbond@wsu.edu