This $500 award is established to help NWA members fund workshops and continuing education programming in their locality. This is not an award for individuals. The Continuing Education Fund is designed to assist all archivists or a group of archivists and allied professionals in the northwest expand their foundations of knowledge and skills by helping alleviate the financial strain of providing continuing education. A total of five $500 awards will be awarded annually, one per NWA state.
Example projects include, but are not limited to, SAA workshops, online webinars, NEDCC courses, ARMA seminars, speakers/presenters, unconferences, and professional social gatherings. This fund could be used for speaker honoraria, speaker travel fees, space rental, etc.
Primary applicant must be a current member of the Northwest Archivists in good standing to apply. Funds will not cover individual costs for conference attendance, equipment purchases (unless such equipment is required for learning and available to all participants afterwards), and/or food.
Upon determination of the award, the Treasurer will issue a check in the name of the Principal Coordinator. This is not a reimbursement, but will be paid in full prior to the start date of the proposed project.
Recipients are encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting for a formal award presentation, and are expected to provide a description of their activity, when completed, in the NWA newsletter. This helps to get the word out about this fund.
Current members of the Northwest Archivists Professional Development & Education Committee will review applications and select annual recipients. In order to accommodate events in a timely fashion, there is established a rolling deadline of 30 days after a given state's initial proposal is received. Proposals
received after the Annual Meeting will not be subject to the 30-day
consideration but evaluated solely on their own merit. Funding must be
used within 1-year of receipt.
The following considerations should inform an application for funding. These are the same considerations the Education Committee will employ in evaluating each request:
The following items are required for application:Description of Need: How does your proposal support NWA goals and local/regional goals? In what way would this opportunity be difficult or impossible to develop without this funding?
Local support: Please include letters or signatures supporting your proposal.
Regional conditions: While any member state regardless of location is encouraged to apply, priority consideration will be given to colleagues seeking to host events outside of the major NWA hubs (Portland, Seattle, etc.)
Who is requesting: Designate a Principal Coordinator responsible for tracking and dispersing funding. This individual is required to be an NWA member in good standing. Project collaborators and events featuring or including non-archivists and non-NWA members are encouraged to apply.
Description of Activity: Clearly describe what the funds will be used for (i.e. speaker fee, lodging for workshop coordinator, meeting space rental fee, workshop cost).
If you're unsure of how NWA can help email, please email and the award committee can help to get your idea of the ground.