Greetings members of Northwest Archivists,
It is time for the annual elections to the executive board of Northwest Archivists. Nominations are now open for the following positions whose terms expire this year:
Alaska representative (special election for a 1-year term)
Idaho representative
Montana representative
Oregon representative
Each elected member of the board will serve a two-year term, with the exception of the Alaska representative who will serve for one year to complete the term of a vacant office. For more information of the board offices, consult the Northwest Archivists by-laws here:
All candidates must be members in good standing of Northwest Archivists. Members may, and are encouraged to, self-nominate, and the Nominating Committee will recruit candidates as necessary for positions without at least two nominees. Northwest Archivists does not have term limits and previous office holders may run again.
Candidates should submit a brief resume of professional experience, a short (100 words or less) candidate statement, and a photograph for publication in a voters’ guide. If you are nominating someone other than yourself, the Nominating Committee will follow up to confirm the nominee’s willingness to run. All candidate resumes and statements are due byMarch 28, 2016 and should be sent to John Bolcer, chair of the Nominating Committee, at:
John Bolcer, University Archivist
Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA 98195-2900
(206) 685-2352