Who: This survey is for archivists, those in roles adjacent to archivists (librarians, records managers, curators, etc.), those who have left the profession, and those who are new and trying to enter the profession. This survey is estimated to take 15 minutes and is composed mostly of multiple choice or check boxes.
Survey Link: https://goo.gl/forms/cBzFI9TSr5wXWjBv1. The survey closes April 30, 2019.
Background: Rachael Woody and Max Johnson are working on a multi-year project to determine the value of archivists in the Pacific Northwest. The team has gathered job description data from the last five-years, combed through related survey data, and conducted a literature review. Two issues have been identified from this work: 1. The Pacific NW as a whole is under-represented in surveys and literature; and 2. There is indication that a devaluation is occurring in the field with stagnant salaries, lack of mid-career jobs, and the addition of responsibilities without commensurate pay.
Action: In order to understand the devaluation of the archivist more information must be gathered. Please help us understand this issue by filling out this survey. The results are confidential and the questions are constructed so that participants can identify to the level of detail they feel comfortable. You'll also notice we don't ask you to identify your state in order to help anonymize your response. Information from this survey will be added to existing data.
Next steps: The team will collate the findings, publish articles, and deliver presentations (expected in 2020).
Thank you!
Rachael & Max