A revised version of the DACS (Describing Archives: A Content Standard) principles are now available, and the Technical Subcommittee is currently looking for feedback! Deadline to submit comments is July 1.
To make comments on the revised principles, they are suggesting the following methods:
"There are two ways to send feedback -- as a group (this is the method we encourage), or as an individual.
As a group:
- Find your community. This may be the people you work with, or it may be archivists in your town or city whom you enjoy sharing ideas with. Perhaps you could do this as a Skype call with your former classmates, or twitter archivists could find a time to come together. You may choose to lead a group at a local, regional, or national conference. We want to hear from as many people as possible!
- Find a discussion group leader, and make sure that this leader takes time to think about how to facilitate a productive and inclusive conversation. Use our facilitators’ guide to help prepare.
- Have an awesome discussion, keep notes, and use our discussion guide to keep on track.
- Tell us what you think! Use our feedback form to report back about what your group discussed.
As an individual:
- Do the reading. It may be helpful to read not only the proposed DACS principles, but also the current ones. We’ve also included a list of articles that we consulted during the revision process.
- Do some thinking. In particular, think about this from the point of view of the people who use your archives. How would principled description, in accordance with this text, improve their experience? Are there any ways that they would produce a diminished experience?
- Tell us what you think! Use our feedback form to let us know what you think works about the revised DACS principles and what could use more thought.
We look forward to receiving your feedback by July 1, 2017."