SW Washington Regional National History Day Competition is scheduled for February 27, 2010, at WSUV. Once again, students in this area have been hard at work learning and preparing their materials for this big day and in order for it to happen we need judges. Can you help?
As in the past, the day will start with a light breakfast, training and then more great experiences supporting the students who have turned out to compete. Lunch will be provided along with snacks and lots of assistance. The day will be divided in half and you can volunteer to work the morning, the afternoon, or both.
Demands on teachers and students are heavy and it's hard to find time for these kinds of very special learning experiences - kids really do have amazing learning experiences at History Day. Please join us, your efforts make the difference.
Please respond to this email:
1. If you are available
2. What category you would like to judge if you have a preference
3. Your phone number
4. Names/emails of others you know who might be judges
5. We particularly need judges for papers and websites that occurs BEFORE the contest. Please call Rene 360-977-2371, if you are so inclined to help with these categories.
Rene Soohoo, Regional Coordinator
Walter & Jodene Cook, Judge Coordinators