The Northwest Archivists 2024 Program Committee welcomes poster proposals in broad support of the Annual Meeting theme Seeking Balance: Sustainability and Adaptation. The conference will be held in Spokane, Washington, May 8-10, 2024. The theme recognizes the 50th anniversary of Expo ‘74, Spokane’s World’s Fair, the first such exposition to focus on the environment. This theme invites consideration of how issues related to the environment, sustainability and adaptation intersect with archives and allied professions. Students, new professionals, first time presenters, and those in allied professions are encouraged to submit proposals.
Posters can be used to convey a variety of outcomes and ideas related to practice, theory, or research. Examples include - but are not limited to - summarizing an internship project, highlighting a workflow, demonstrating the use of a tool or technology, conveying an outreach or advocacy strategy, getting feedback about projects in progress, or sharing research findings.
Submit your proposal using the 2024 Poster Proposal Form.
Proposals will be evaluated on clarity, originality, relevance to the field, and relation to the annual meeting theme.
Deadline for proposals is March 1, 2024. Notification will be made the week of March 11.
Questions? Email Program Committee chair Ben Murphy:
Members of the Program Committee
Terry Badger
Becky Butler
River Freemont (Native American Collections Roundtable)
Alisha Graefe
Anna Harbine (local arrangements)
Libby Hopfauf
Heather Mulliner
Ben Murphy (chair)
Sara Szobody
Jennifer Vanoni